Meet your coach
Health and wellness expert, nutrition and CrossFit® guru.
I have spent most of my life living and loving health and fitness. I started my own journey as a runner 20 years ago. I slowly moved over to duathlons and triathlons and crazy enough–CrossFit®! I have loved my journey with all of it. Through wins, losses, trial and error I have experienced it all and learned so much about my body, mind and most of all my character.
In 2005, when I started coaching high school track, I also became a certified personal trainer. I wanted to help my athletes by being the best coach I could be. Since then, I have been certified as a Nutrition Coach, Sports Nutrition Coach, Certified Level 2 Nutrition Coach through Precision Nutrition, and an L1 CrossFit® trainer. I have my certification as a Health & Life Coach through Health Coach Institute. I am currently finishing my TCM Mastery certificate.
Thankfully my husband of almost 30 years loves fitness as much as I do, as well as our two sons: Colin and Seth. We have all competed in road cycling and triathlons together as well as numerous running races. I am blessed that our desire for fitness has passed on to our boys and I love watching them succeed in their fitness endeavors.
The Teammates
Tate and Gus are siblings. They are three-year-old Shiba lnu's. Tate is the red one and full of sass and energy! She talks all the time by howling, loves to play in the snow, go for long walks, and eat Tim Horton’s plain old-fashioned donuts. Gus is the cream one, he is quiet, reserved, and a momma's boy–always close by. He likes to steal my slippers when I’m not looking and take Tate’s bones for fun. He also loves long walks and donuts (who doesn’t?). They both love to go for rides in the car and work with mom every day. They are excited about breakfast, lunch, dinner, walks and whipped cream for dessert.
My goal as a health and wellness coach is to help you find what works for you, also that makes you happy and confident. Balancing life and health can be tricky at times, but I am here to guide you on the path to wellness.